Author: admin13789yYur

The intake form “was included in an email thread between a Fog representative and Bryan Kimbell, chief human trafficking investigator at the Office of the Attorney General in Georgia,” according to 404 Media. Services like Fog Data Science have triggered concerns about how police might use location tracking to prosecute abortions. “For several thousand dollars annually, the software lets police trace unique borders around large, customized regions to generate a list of devices in the area. Police can use Fog Reveal to geofence entire buildings or street blocks—like the area surrounding an abortion clinic—and get information on devices used within…

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When using an operating system, upgrading packages or installing new ones are common tasks that introduce the risk of affecting the stability of the system. NixOS is a Linux distribution that ensures the reliability of the operating system and allows easy reproducibility of the system current and previous states. This article follows our Nix introduction and deploy NixOS on your machine. It explains how NixOS works, how to obtain and install it, and how Nix ensure reliability. Your machine will boot with a working NixOS system and you will gain knowledge on how NixOS, the Nix package manager, and Home…

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Both OPPO and Huawei put out impressive flagship smartphones this year. We’re here to compare them, the OPPO Find X8 Pro vs Huawei Pura 70 Ultra. These two phones are actually considerably different, even though there are some similarities design-wise. Before we get down to it, do note that Huawei’s phone does not come with Google services. It does include Huawei’s own services, but that’s something you should keep in mind, as you won’t have access to the Google Play Store. As we usually do, we’ll first list the specifications of both smartphones and will then move to a number…

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RegionServers are the processes that manage the storage and retrieval of data in Apache HBase, the non-relational column-oriented database in Apache Hadoop. It is through their daemons that any CRUD (for Create, Read, Update and Delete) query is performed. Together with the Master, they are the guarantors of data backup and performance optimization. In production environments, a single RegionServer is deployed on each compute node, allowing for scaling of both workloads and storage sharing by adding additional nodes. Today, many companies still choose to run their infrastructure on-premises, i.e., in the company’s own data centers, as opposed to in the…

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TL;DR After far too long, Ford is back with an Android smartwatch app. FordPass now supports Wear OS, giving users an option beyond phone control. Wear OS support quietly rolled out last month, and should be available now for compatible vehicles. Have smartwatches managed to live up to the hype? While in theory they should be capable of pretty much everything we do with our phones, in practice they sometimes don’t feel like much more than big-screen fitness trackers. That largely comes down to a lack of software, and far too few companies have invested the resources in building Wear…

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Defining variables for your Ansible playbooks and roles can become challenging as your project grows. Browsing the Ansible documentation, the diversity of Ansible variables location is confusing, to say the least: command line values (for example, -u my_user, these are not variables) role defaults (defined in role/defaults/main.yml) inventory file or script group_vars inventory group_vars/all playbook group_vars/all inventory group_vars/* playbook group_vars/* inventory file or script host_vars inventory host_vars/* playbook host_vars/* host facts / cached set_facts play vars play vars_prompt play vars_files role vars (defined in role/vars/main.yml) block vars (only for tasks in block) task vars (only for the task) include_vars set_facts…

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/*! * * IPython notebook * */ /* CSS font colors for translated ANSI escape sequences */ /* The color values are a mix of and */ .ansi-black-fg Hello .ansi-black-bg sobat .ansi-black-intense-fg pencinta .ansi-black-intense-bg slot! .ansi-red-fg Pernah .ansi-red-bg denger .ansi-red-intense-fg semboyan .ansi-red-intense-bg “raja slot .ansi-green-fg jika .ansi-green-bg belum .ansi-green-intense-fg bersiaplah .ansi-green-intense-bg cinta .ansi-yellow-fg konsep .ansi-yellow-bg slot gacor .ansi-yellow-intense-fg adalah .ansi-yellow-intense-bg slots .ansi-blue-fg sering .ansi-blue-bg memberi .ansi-blue-intense-fg kemenangan .ansi-blue-intense-bg Ya .ansi-magenta-fg mesin-mesin .ansi-magenta-bg dibilang .ansi-magenta-intense-fg sebagai .ansi-magenta-intense-bg jagoannya .ansi-cyan-fg buat .ansi-cyan-bg membawa .ansi-cyan-intense-fg come back .ansi-cyan-intense-bg hasil. .ansi-white-fg any way .ansi-white-bg gimana .ansi-white-intense-fg caranya .ansi-white-intense-bg nemuin .ansi-default-inverse-fg raja lot…

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Advocates: Micron needs to explain what a “good job” is But while Neuffer joined Harris’ and the Commerce Department’s chorus, praising the award for creating “high-paying American jobs,” bolstering US national and economic security, and fueling “innovation for years to come,” communities are raising questions. Advocates with Jobs to Move America (JMA)—who are organizing ahead of Micron’s New York construction starting in 2026—are concerned that Micron hasn’t been clear about what a “good job” is before moving into an area with “one of the highest poverty rates in the country.” “There has been little discussion or firm commitments made regarding…

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More and more products and services are taking advantage of the modeling and prediction capabilities of AI. This article presents the nvidia-docker tool for integrating AI (Artificial Intelligence) software bricks into a microservice architecture. The main advantage explored here is the use of the host system’s GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) resources to accelerate multiple containerized AI applications. To understand the usefulness of nvidia-docker, we will start by describing what kind of AI can benefit from GPU acceleration. Secondly we will present how to implement the nvidia-docker tool. Finally, we will describe what tools are available to use GPU acceleration in…

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This post was originally published by me at the Fortscale blog.Fortscale’s product helps organizations eliminate insider threats by detecting anomalous user behavior. Detecting anomalous user behavior is hard. Really hard. Here at Fortscale we show that with the right tools, it’s doable. Our data science team has developed a set of self tuning machine learning based algorithms that aim at doing exactly that. Although the algorithms may be complicated to comprehend, their basic mechanism is easy to understand. The fortscale product contains many models, each capturing a different user behavioral aspect such as typical working hours, machines a user usually…

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